To: All Members of the Cheshire Democratic Party From: The Cheshire Democratic Town Committee Re: Proposed Amendments to the Rules Governing the Democratic Party of the Town of Cheshire At the Cheshire Democratic Party Caucus called for July 25, 2017, you will be asked to vote to approve the proposed amendments to the Rules Governing the Democratic Party in Cheshire. A subcommittee of CDTC members has led an extensive review and revision of the existing rules, a project that has taken more than 18 months to finally bring these to you for approval. It has been eleven years since this was last done. While it is customary for documents with proposed amendments to be presented in such a way that all "old" text and newly proposed text are shown side by side, this revision has been so extensive as to make that type of format essentially incomprehensible. If you are interested in reading the existing Rules in existing format, they are available on the CDTC website ( "About Us"). The proposed revised rules are attached, with black lettering indicating language from the existing Rules, and red lettering denoted new language or relocated language. We have made every effort to make them comprehensible, although we have been somewhat constrained by the language used in the State Democratic Party Rules, from which much of this is taken. The revision process has included multiple opportunities for discussion and feedback from all members of the CDTC, and we are now in agreement to move forward for your approval. The aim of the Rules Revision Subcommittee has been to * bring our Cheshire Party Rules into compliance with the State Party Rules, including areas our Cheshire Rules had not addressed (CT State Party Rules are available at www., under "About Us") * outline the duties of CDTC members, officers and subcommittees so that there is more clarity and agreement about responsibilities and roles, which we hope will be informative to all party members * format the Rules to be easier to reference as needed Should you have questions about the proposed rules prior to the caucus, you may direct them to the chairperson of the Rules Revision Subcommittee, Judith Slisz by contacting her at [email protected]. Cheshire Democratic Party Rules Cheshire Democratic Town Committee P.O. Box 465 Cheshire, CT 06410 Facebook: Cheshire, CT Democratic Town Committee Table of Contents for the Rules Governing the Democratic Party of the Town of Cheshire, Connecticut Purpose & Duties of the Town Committee 1 - 2 Membership and Terms of Office 2 Number of Members on the CDTC 2 Emeritus Status 2 Terms of Members 2 Vacancies 2 Qualifications 2 Increased Membership 2 Election to CDTC Membership 3 - 4 Election of the Town Committee 3 Payment of Dues 3 Primary Date for Election of the CDTC 3 Vacancies in Party Endorsed Candidacy for CDTC 3 Insufficient Endorsements 4 Caucus Chairperson and Secretary 4 Eligibility to Vote in a CDTC Primary 4 Filing List of Members and Officers 4 CDTC Meetings and Quorum 4-5 Required Number of Meetings 4 Special Meetings 5 Quorum 5 Participation and No Secret Ballot 5 Limitation on Proxy Voting in CDTC Meetings 5 Election and Duties of Officers 5-6 CDTC Organizational Meeting 5 Eligibility of Officers 6 Terms of Officers 6 Officer Vacancy 6 Duties of the Chairperson 6 Vice-Chairperson 6 Secretary 6 Treasurer 7 Deputy Treasurer 7 Subcommittees and District Coordinators 7- 10 Standing and Ad Hoc Subcommittees 7 Subcommittee Meetings 7 Executive Subcommittee 7 Campaign Subcommittee 8 Communications Subcommittee 8 Finance Subcommittee 9 Fiscal Year 9 Nominating Subcommittee 9 Party Building Subcommittee 9 Policy Subcommittee 9 District Coordinators 9 Election of Delegates and Selection of Party Endorsed Candidates 10 - 13 Selection of Delegates to Conventions and 10 Party Endorsed Candidates for Offices Delegate Slate Endorsement 11 Delegate List Filing 11 Party Endorsed Candidates for Town Office 11 Insufficient Endorsements 11 Certification of Party Endorsed Candidates & Elected Delegates 12 Date of Party Endorsement of Candidates 12 Tie Vote 12 Vacancies in Party Endorsed Candidacy 12 Plurality Vote Determinative of Nomination 13 Vacancy in Nomination 13 Special Caucuses 13 Conflicting Rules 14 Amendments to Cheshire Democratic Party Rules 14 Filing of Amended Rules 14 Coverage 14 Rules of Order 15 PROPOSED REVISED RULES-- JULY 2017 Black lettering is language from current CDTC Rules Red lettering is new language being recommended or relocated in document RULES GOVERNING THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF THE TOWN OF CHESHIRE, CONNECTICUT Cheshire Democrats believe in the ideals and principles that benefit all Americans, with opportunity and justice for all, devoid of discrimination based on one’s status. The Democratic Party was founded on the conviction that wealth and privilege should not be an entitlement to govern, that America works when everyone plays by the same rules, that we are greater when working together for the common good, and that all citizens have a responsibility to participate in the public life of our community, state, and nation. Therefore, pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 153 of the General Statutes of Connecticut relating to Nominating Procedures and Political Parties, the rules for the government of the Democratic Party of the Town of Cheshire, Connecticut, are set forth below. ARTICLE I. PURPOSE AND DUTIES OF THE TOWN COMMITTEE Section 1. The purpose of the Cheshire Democratic Town Committee (CDTC) is to be the governing body of the Democratic Party in Cheshire, authorized and empowered to take such action and render such decisions as may be necessary to carry out fully and adequately the decisions and instructions of the local party membership and the Democratic State Party, and to promote the aims and principles of the Democratic Party at the national, state and local levels. The duties of the CDTC include the endorsement and nomination of Democratic candidates for election to federal, state and local offices and for appointment to local commissions, the election of Cheshire delegates to local and state conventions, and the execution of all such related and supportive duties in accordance with current laws and regulations. Section 2. The policies and principles of the Democratic Party of the Town of Cheshire shall be formed, directed and executed by the CDTC. Section 3. The CDTC encourages participation by all members of the Democratic Party in Cheshire regardless of race, sex, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, economic status, philosophical persuasion, mental or physical disability, marital or parental status, gender identity and genetic information, and includes all protected classes under Connecticut and federal law. Section 4. It shall be the duty of each member of the CDTC to regularly attend and actively participate in CDTC meetings, to join and engage in the work of at least one subcommittee, to read and respond as appropriate to CDTC communications, to actively participate in campaign activities, to assist with identifying and recruiting interested Democrats to work with the CDTC, and to seek to be aware of the issues before the Cheshire Town Council, Board of Education and Planning and Zoning Commission by occasionally attending those meetings. ARTICLE II. MEMBERSHIP AND TERMS OF THE CDTC Section 1. Number of Members on the CDTC The CDTC shall consist of forty (40) members, elected at-large, and all Democratic municipal office-holders, elected ex-officio with voting rights, unless the elected office holder declines membership on the CDTC. The CDTC shall consist of not less than three members from each of the four Cheshire Town Council districts. Section 2. Emeritus Members Individuals who have served the CDTC, the Cheshire community or the local Democratic Party with distinction may be elected Emeritus Members of the CDTC by the CDTC at any duly constituted meeting upon the recommendation of the Nominating Subcommittee. Emeritus members may attend meetings of the CDTC, but shall neither have voting privileges nor be counted in a quorum. Section 3. Terms of Members Members of the CDTC shall serve for a term of two (2) years, commencing on the Wednesday after the first Tuesday in March in each even-numbered year and ending on the first Tuesday in March of the next even-numbered year. The term for all members shall end on the same day. Section 4 . Vacancies Any vacancy on the CDTC arising from any cause including failure to elect, may be filled by the CDTC by a majority vote of those present and voting at a CDTC meeting, one of the agenda items for which shall be to fill such vacancy. Section 5. Qualifications No person shall be eligible to serve on the CDTC unless he or she is a registered member of the Democratic Party in Cheshire. Section 6. Increased Membership The CDTC, at a meeting called for the purpose, may, by majority vote of those present and voting, increase its membership, provided that all new members shall be duly elected by the time of the next primary date in the state election calendar, shall begin office the next day, and shall continue in office only until the next date for election of CDTC members. ARTICLE III. ELECTION TO CDTC MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Election of the Town Committee A. Party endorsed candidates for CDTC shall be selected by the enrolled members of the Democratic Party in Cheshire in a caucus called for that purpose. At caucus meetings, any eligible person may be nominated from the floor, notwithstanding any notice or pre-registration requirements. Notice of the time, place and purpose of said caucus shall be given to all enrolled Democratic voters of Cheshire at least five (5) days, but not more than fifteen (15) days, in advance of the caucus by publication of the same in a newspaper with a general circulation in Cheshire, by posting same on the public sign post in Cheshire and by posting in appropriate electronic media. The time of any such caucus shall be fixed so as to permit compliance with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time. B. At any caucus called for the endorsement of members to the CDTC, nominations may be made by presentation to the caucus of a full slate composed of a number of persons equal to the number of CDTC members prescribed above, or by nomination of individual candidates. Voting by slate is only permissible when the election is between two or more full slates. No member of the caucus may vote for a greater number of candidates than those to be elected. In the event no endorsement is made by the above stated method, there shall be no endorsement and election to the CDTC shall be made by direct primary as provided by law. Section 2. Payment of Dues The payment of dues shall not be a requirement for the endorsement or election of a candidate for any CDTC or local party position. Section 3. Primary Date for Election of CDTC Candidates for CDTC membership chosen as provided above shall run in the primary, if necessary, on the first Tuesday in March in each even-numbered year for town committee membership as party endorsed candidates. The CDTC shall publish the same in a newspaper having general circulation in the town at least fifty-six days before such primary is to be held. Said primary shall be conducted in accordance with Article VII, Section 1 of the State Party Rules and the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes. Such candidates shall be deemed elected as members of the CDTC if no valid opposing candidacies have been filed for CDTC by four o’clock (4:00) P.M. on the twenty-first (21st) day preceding the Democratic primary for town committee members. Section 4. Vacancies in Party Endorsed Candidacy for CDTC A. If a party- endorsed candidate for election to the CDTC, prior to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of the polls at the primary, dies, or prior to ten (10) days before the day of the primary withdraws his or her name from nomination, or for any reason becomes disqualified to hold the position for which he or she is a candidate, an endorsement may be made to fill such vacancy by the CDTC by a majority vote of those present and voting at a meeting called for this purpose. If the original endorsement was made by the members of the CDTC elected from only one political subdivision, only such members shall participate in the endorsement to fill the vacancy. B. The Chairperson of the CDTC may cast a vote on such endorsement to break a tie, but this provision shall not affect his or her right to cast any vote, as a member of the CDTC, to which he or she is otherwise entitled. The Secretary of the CDTC shall immediately certify the endorsement to fill such vacancy to the Democratic Registrar of Voters. Section 5. Insufficient Endorsements If, for any reason, sufficient endorsements of candidates for CDTC membership are not made, any eligible person may seek to become a candidate in accordance with Connecticut General Statute 9-405. 9-406 and 9-372 et seq. Section 6. Caucus Chairperson and Secretary The Chairperson of the CDTC shall be temporary chairperson of all caucuses and shall preside until the meeting has selected its permanent chairperson. In like manner the Secretary of the CDTC shall act as temporary secretary at all caucuses until the meeting has selected its permanent secretary. The caucus shall be conducted in conformity with the provisions of the Connecticut General Statutes. Section 7. Eligibility to vote in CDTC Primary In the vote in a primary for the election of CDTC members, only persons currently registered as Democrats in Cheshire shall be eligible to vote. Section 8. Filing List of Members and Officers Within one week after organization of the CDTC the Secretary shall file with the Cheshire Town Clerk and the Secretary of the Democratic State Central Committee a list of the names and addresses of the officers and members of the CDTC. ARTICLE IV. CDTC MEETINGS AND QUORUM Section 1. Required Number of Meetings The CDTC shall meet at least four times a year with a stated agenda for each meeting. The agenda shall be included with the notice of the meeting. Section 2. Special Meetings Special meetings of the CDTC may be called upon written request, signed by twenty percent (20%) of the members of the CDTC, and presented to the Chairperson. Upon receipt of such request, the Chairperson shall instruct the Secretary to give reasonable notice of the time, place and purpose of such meeting to all members of the CDTC . Reasonable notice consists of five (5) business days. Section 3. Quorum Two-fifths of the elected at-large membership of the CDTC shall constitute a quorum at any meeting. Section 4. Participation and No Secret Ballot Any enrolled Democratic elector may participate in any and all party meetings, caucuses, and conventions and may be elected to any party office except as otherwise provided herein or as prohibited by law. In accordance with the Charter of the Democratic National Committee, all meetings of the CDTC, subcommittees and all other Democratic Party committees shall be open to the public and votes shall not be taken by secret ballot. Section 5. Limitation on Proxy Voting in CDTC Meetings Proxy voting shall not be allowed for any matter at CDTC meetings, including the endorsement of candidates or election of delegates. ARTICLE V. ELECTION AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS Section 1. CDTC Organizational Meeting A. Within thirty (30) days of the day fixed for the primary for the election of CDTC members, The Chairperson of the CDTC in office at the time of the election shall call a meeting of the newly elected CDTC for the purpose of electing a Chairperson and Vice-chairperson, a Secretary, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer and such other officers as may be deemed advisable. B. If the Chairperson fails, for any reason, to call such meeting by the end of the prescribed thirty (30) day period, the Vice-Chairperson in office at the time of the primary shall call the meeting within forty-eight (48) hours. If, for any reason, the Vice-Chairperson does not call the meeting within the prescribed forty-eight (48) hour period, the State Central Committee member in the district shall call the meeting within the next forty-eight (48) hours. If the meeting must be called by the Vice-Chairperson or a State Central Committee member, the call of the meeting shall be valid notwithstanding any otherwise applicable rule concerning time and notification of CDTC meetings Section 2. Eligibility of Officers The chairperson and all officers of the CDTC shall be elected from within the membership of the CDTC. Section 3. Terms of Officers Officers so elected shall hold office for the term of the CDTC electing them and until their successors have been elected. Section 4. Officer Vacancy If there shall be a vacancy in any office of the CDTC arising from any cause, the CDTC may fill the same by a majority vote of those present and voting at a CDTC meeting, one of the agenda items for which shall be to fill such vacancy. Section 5. Duties of the Chairperson The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the CDTC, preside as temporary chairperson of all caucuses, have the authority to call special meetings and to make and publish statements and legal notices in the name of the CDTC in addition to such duties as may be prescribed by State Statute, ascribed by these Rules, or by vote of the CDTC. The Chairperson, in consultation with the Executive Subcommittee, shall establish an agenda for each meeting and arrange for the agenda to accompany notice of the meeting. The Chairperson may appoint an attorney to act as legal advisor to the CDTC and may make any other appointments that the Chairperson deems necessary. The Chairperson shall be an ex officio member of all standing subcommittees. Section 6. Duties of the Vice-Chairperson In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson shall preside at meetings and perform such activities and duties incident to the office of the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson may serve in other capacities as determined by the Chairperson or by vote of the CDTC. Section 7. Duties of the Secretary The Secretary, or his or her delegate, shall record and maintain minutes of each meeting and distribute the minutes and meeting agendas to the membership as well as other documents that pertain to the operations of the CDTC. The Secretary shall advise the Chairperson of the status of a quorum when requested and shall certify elections and endorsements as provided by these Rules and State Statutes. The Secretary shall serve as temporary secretary of all caucuses. Section 8. Duties of the Treasurer The Treasurer shall have the authority to receive funds on behalf of the CDTC and to sign and issue checks upon the authority of the CDTC. Further, the Treasurer shall prepare and maintain records showing all receipts and expenditures and shall provide a financial accounting at each CDTC meeting and an annual financial report following the close of each fiscal year. The Treasurer shall be cognizant of and abide by SEEC regulations pertaining to Campaign Finance Law. The Treasurer shall maintain a bank account in the name of the CDTC and shall turn over to his/her successor all such records and funds on hand at the end of his/her term of office. The Treasurer shall cooperate with the performance of an annual review of the CDTC’s financial accounts and records by one or more persons who have knowledge of bookkeeping and accounting standards, but who are not members of the CDTC, and who are appointed by the Chairperson, with the approval of the CDTC. The Treasurer shall serve ex-officio as a member of the CDTC Finance Subcommittee. Section 9. Duties of the Deputy Treasurer The Deputy Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer and perform all the duties of the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence. The Deputy Treasurer shall serve ex-officio as a member of the Finance Subcommittee. ARTICLE VI. SUBCOMMITTEES & DISTRICT COORDINATORS Section 1. Standing and Ad Hoc Subcommittees The standing subcommittees of the CDTC shall be Executive, Campaign, Communications, Finance, Nominating, Party Building, and Policy. Ad hoc subcommittees may be established or terminated by CDTC vote. The CDTC Chairperson, in consultation with the CDTC membership, shall appoint the members to each subcommittee and shall appoint a chairperson for each subcommittee, subject to endorsement by CDTC vote. Section 2. Subcommittee Meetings Meetings of standing subcommittees shall be held as necessary to conduct business. Each subcommittee shall submit its financial requests to the Finance Subcommittee, and each subcommittee chairperson shall report to the CDTC on all subcommittee plans and recommended actions. Section 3. The Executive Subcommittee (ES) A. The Executive Subcommittee (ES) of the CDTC shall develop an annual plan of scheduled CDTC events and activities, including the impact of fundraising and expenditures for the CDTC; review ongoing operations and financial responsibilities of the CDTC; coordinate activities of the subcommittees and discuss subcommittees’ recommendations; prepare agendas with support information for CDTC meetings; bring forward recommendations for discussion and action by the full CDTC membership, and execute such other duties as may be charged to it by the CDTC. B. The membership of the ES shall be the four officers, and the chairpersons of all standing subcommittees, or their designees. The four district coordinators such serve in an advisory role. The Chairperson of the CDTC shall serve as chairperson of the ES. C. The ES is authorized to make expenditures of no more than one hundred dollars ($100) without prior CDTC vote. D. The ES shall ensure an annual review of the CDTC financial records and shall report all ES interim actions at the next CDTC meeting. Section 4. The Campaign Subcommittee (CS) A. The Campaign Subcommittee (CS) shall be responsible for planning, communicating and implementing campaign strategy and coordinating CDTC related activities during municipal, state-wide, and federal elections, for providing necessary information on SEEC Campaign Finance Guidelines and CDTC financial procedures to candidates and the CDTC, and for providing budgeting and fundraising guidance to candidates. B. During the local elections cycle the CS shall work closely with District Coordinators to recruit volunteers and assign related campaign duties. C. The CS shall arrange for the opening, staffing and managing of a campaign headquarters, if approved by the CDTC. D. Following each election, the CS shall conduct a post-election analysis and report its findings to the CDTC within three months. E. A candidate for office shall not serve as Campaign Subcommittee chairperson. Section 5. The Communications Subcommittee The Communications Subcommittee shall establish and maintain effective working relationships with the media and manage the preparation and release of official CDTC publicity, collaborate with all CDTC subcommittees and candidates, and maintain the CDTC website and other social media accounts, developing and posting informational materials, and providing a forum for the exchange of ideas. Section 6. The Finance Subcommittee (FS) A. The Finance Subcommittee shall be responsible for overseeing the finances of the CDTC, raising monies needed to meet ongoing CDTC expenses and to meet goals established for campaign contributions, and for presenting a proposed annual budget at the start of each fiscal year. All fundraising activities shall follow the SEEC Guidelines for Party Committees. B. The fiscal year of the CDTC shall be the calendar year. Section 7. The Nominating Subcommittee (NS) A. The Nominating Subcommittee shall be responsible for recruiting enrolled Cheshire Democrats to be nominees to serve on the CDTC. Further, the NS shall have the responsibility to identify, encourage, and recruit persons interested in being candidates for elective or appointive municipal office. The NS shall enlist the assistance of incumbent office holders, all CTDC members, and Democratic voters to recruit candidates. The NS shall meet with potential candidates including enrolled Democrats and interested unaffiliated registered voters. The NS shall meet with incumbents as well to confer on their interest in being candidates for re-election. The NS shall select among these interested parties and recommend to the CDTC the candidates for nomination for election or to fill vacancies in town offices, boards, and commissions. The NS shall also conduct this process, in consultation with the DTCs of the districts shared with other towns, to select candidates for state and federal offices. B. The NS shall consist of at least two CDTC officers, at least one of the District Coordinators, and the Campaign Subcommittee Chairperson or his/her designee. In addition, the NS shall enlist Democratic incumbent (s) in the various elected and appointed offices in which a vacancy exists or is expected to exist to assist with its activities. The CDTC Chairperson or the Chairperson’s designee shall act as Chairperson of the NS. C. The NS shall give timely notice to all members of the CDTC of the existence of any vacancy in a town office, on a board or commission, or in a state office, and after due deliberation shall present to the CDTC the name of each nominee recommended to fill such vacancy. D. The NS shall meet no less than quarterly, prior to the scheduled CDTC meetings to review all relevant vacancies and nominations and to prepare its report so as to present nominations within the required timelines. Section 8. The Party Building Subcommittee (PBS) A. The Party Building Subcommittee shall endeavor to build and maintain a strong and responsive Democratic organization within the town by welcoming newly registered Democrats and encouraging all Democrats to become active party volunteers. The PBS shall operate in collaboration with the four District Coordinators, and the Registrar of Voters. Section 9. The Policy Subcommittee (PS) A. The PS shall develop and regularly review the platform of guiding principles of the CDTC for the Democratic Party of Cheshire and shall make recommendations to the CDTC for acceptance. The PS shall work with the Campaign and Communications Subcommittees and local candidates and their campaign committees to coordinate messaging that is consistent with the Party Platform. B. The PS is charged with review of the Rules of the Cheshire Democratic Party to ensure compliance with Democratic State Party Rules and State statutes and to reflect current practice, to propose necessary or desirable revisions, and to provide access for all CDTC members to the current CDTC Rules. Section 10. District Coordinators District Coordinators shall be appointed by the Chairperson from among the CDTC membership for each of Cheshire’s four Town Council districts to serve as advisors to the Executive Subcommittee, to collaborate with the Campaign Subcommittee to help coordinate Democratic election activities within each district, and to communicate with district CDTC members regarding matters of interest. Each District Coordinator may appoint a Deputy District Coordinator to assist with responsibilities and fulfill them in the absence of the District Coordinator. ARTICLE VII. ELECTION OF DELEGATES and SELECTION OF PARTY ENDORSED CANDIDATES Section 1. Selection of Delegates to Conventions and Party Endorsed Candidates for Offices A. The CDTC, at a meeting called for the purpose, shall, by a majority vote of those present and voting, elect delegates to conventions and select party endorsed candidates for all other offices. In the endorsement of any person for an office, or election of a delegate, for whom only the electors of a political subdivision of Cheshire may vote, only the members of the CDTC elected from said political subdivision may participate. B. The slate of candidates to a convention chosen as provided in Section 1-A above shall run in the primary for delegates to such convention as the party-endorsed slate; provided such slate of candidates shall be deemed elected as the delegates to such convention if no valid opposing candidacy by a complete slate of persons other than party-endorsed candidates has been filed by four o’clock p.m. on the twenty-first day preceding the day of the Democratic primary for delegates to conventions. C. Each delegate to a convention elected in conformity with law and with these rules may in writing designate an alternate delegate or a proxy to act for him/her in his/her absence. In the absence of such alternate delegate, the CDTC Chairperson shall fill such vacancy arising from any cause in delegations to conventions. In the absence of such alternate delegate, the CDTC Chairperson shall have the right to fill such vacancy arising from any cause during conventions and until the respective convention adjourns. This right to fill vacancies shall cease upon adjournment of the convention. Section 2. Delegate Slate Endorsement At any CDTC meeting duly called for the election of delegates to any convention, nominations for said delegates shall be made by presentation to the CDTC of a slate composed of a number of persons not exceeding the number of delegates to which Cheshire is entitled under the state rules of the Democratic Party, or by nomination of individual candidates. Voting by slate is only permissible when the election is between two or more full slates. The voting for delegates to each convention shall be done separately for each convention. Section 3. Delegate List It shall be the duty of the CDTC Chairperson to sent to the Secretary of the State Central Committee, on forms furnished by the State Central Committee, a list of the delegates to each convention duly chosen from Cheshire, properly attested by the Cheshire Democratic Registrar of Voters or, in the event of his or her absence, by the Chairperson only with the express approval of the State Chair. Such list shall be delivered, whether by paper or electronically, no later than the one hundred thirty-second day proceeding the day of the primary for such state or district office. Section 4. Party Endorsed Candidates for Town Office Candidates for Cheshire office chosen as provided in Section VII-1 above shall run in the primary for such office as party-endorsed candidates. The candidate shall be the nominee of the Democratic Party for such office if no valid opposing candidacies have been filed for nomination to such office by four o’clock (4) p.m. on the twenty-first (21st) day preceding the day of the Democratic primary for such office. Section 5. Insufficient Endorsements If for any reason sufficient endorsements of candidates for Cheshire office are not made, any eligible person may seek to become a candidate in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes 9-405, 9-406, and 9-372 et seq. Section 6. Certification of Party Endorsed Candidates and Elected Delegates The Secretary and the Chairperson for the CDTC shall certify to the Cheshire Town Clerk the names and street addresses of the party-endorsed candidates selected, and delegates elected, as provided in Sections 1.2. 3 and 4 above. Such certification shall include the title of the office or position for which each person is endorsed, and the date upon which the primary is to be held, or the convention for which the delegate has been elected. In the case of the endorsement of a person for an office or for a position or election of a delegate for whom only the electors of a political subdivision of Cheshire or for a senatorial district located entirely within Cheshire may vote, the Secretary of the CDTC shall certify to the Cheshire Town Clerk the name of such political subdivision or senatorial district. Section 7. Date of Party Endorsement of Candidates Each party endorsement of a candidate to run in a primary for the nomination of candidates for Cheshire office or for election of CDTC members or delegates to conventions shall be made within the time frame established by the Connecticut General Statutes and shall be certified to the Cheshire Town Clerk by the CDTC Chairperson and CDTC Secretary. Section 8. Tie Vote In the event that a vote taken on the selection of a party-endorsed candidate results in a tie, such tie vote shall be dissolved by the vote of the Chairperson of the CDTC, but this provision shall not affect his or her right to cast any vote as a member of the caucus in the first place. Section 9. Vacancies in Party Endorsed Candidacy A. If a party endorsed candidate for nomination to Cheshire office or for election to CDTC membership prior to twenty–four (24) hours before the opening of the polls at the primary dies, or prior to ten (10) days before the day of the primary withdraws his or her name from nomination, or for any reason becomes disqualified to hold the office for which he or she is a candidate, an endorsement to fill such vacancy may be made by the CDTC, by a majority vote of the CDTC members present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose. If the original endorsement was made by CDTC members elected from only one political subdivision of Cheshire, only such members shall participate in the endorsement to fill such vacancy. B. The Chairperson of the CDTC may cast a vote on such endorsement to break a tie, but this provision shall not affect his or her right to cast any vote, as a member of the CDTC, to which he or she is otherwise entitled. The Secretary of the CDTC shall immediately certify the endorsement to fill such vacancy to the Cheshire Democratic Registrar of Voters. C. No candidate shall be deemed to have withdrawn until a letter of withdrawal signed by such candidate is filed with the Cheshire Town Clerk. D. The Secretary the CDTC shall immediately certify the nomination to fill such vacancy to the Secretary of State, and shall file a copy with the Cheshire Town Clerk. Such certification of a nomination to fill a vacancy due to death or disqualification shall include a statement setting forth the reason for such vacancy. Section 10. Plurality Vote Determinative of Nomination The nominations of the CDTC to all offices and the election of members of the CDTC and delegates to conventions shall be made in all respects as provided in the State Primary Law, as the same may be amended from time to time. At a primary for nomination to a Cheshire office or for election of CDTC membership, the winner shall be determined by a plurality of votes cast. Section 11. Vacancy in Nomination A. If a nomination has been made for a Cheshire office and the nominee thereafter, but prior to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of the polls on the day of the election for which such nomination has been made dies, withdraws his or her name, or for any reason becomes disqualified to hold the office for which he or she has been nominated, a nomination to fill such vacancy may be made by the CDTC, by a majority vote of the CDTC members present and voting at a meeting called for that purpose. B. The Chairperson of the CDTC may cast a vote on such nomination to break a tie, but this provision shall not affect his or her right to cast any vote as a member of the CDTC in the first place. C. In the case of withdrawal, said nomination shall not be valid until the candidate who has withdrawn has filed a letter of withdrawal, signed by such candidate, with the Connecticut Secretary of the State and also has filed a copy with the Cheshire Town Clerk. D. The Chairperson of the CDTC shall certify the nomination to fill such vacancy to the Connecticut Secretary of State, and shall file a copy with the Cheshire Town Clerk. Such certification of a nomination to fill a vacancy due to death or disqualification shall include a statement setting forth the reason for such vacancy. ARTICLE VIII. SPECIAL CAUCUSES Special caucuses may be called for any lawful purpose by a majority of the CDTC or by not less than ten percent (10%) of the registered Democratic voters in the town. The call for any such special caucus shall be in writing and signed by each of the persons issuing the same, and notice of the time, place, and purpose of said caucus shall be given to all registered Democrats in town, at least five (5) business days in advance of such caucus, by publication in a newspaper having a general circulation in Cheshire and by posting a notice on the public sign post in Cheshire, and by posting in appropriate electronic media. ARTICLE IX. CONFLICTING RULES If any provision of these rules is found to be in conflict with the provisions of any law or the Connecticut State Democratic Party Rules, the provisions of such law or State Party Rule shall govern. ARTICLE X. AMENDMENTS TO CHESHIRE DEMOCRATIC PARTY RULES Cheshire Democratic Party rules may be amended by the CDTC at a meeting called in the same manner as a CDTC meeting for selecting party endorsed candidates as provided in Article VII, Section 1 of these rules. If the CDTC does not adopt and file rules or amendments, the Chairperson of the CDTC, or in the event of his or her failure to act, the Vice Chairperson, shall call a convention within twenty (20) days upon the filing with the Cheshire Democratic Registrar of Voters of a petition signed by at least five percent (5%), or at least five hundred (500), (whichever is less), of enrolled party members to take action on such petition. Such convention shall consist of three (3) delegates from each Cheshire voting district elected at a caucus of the enrolled party member of that district. It shall be the duty of the CDTC Chairperson, or, in the event of his or her failure to act, the Vice Chairperson, to call such caucuses, which shall be held on the same day, designating the time, place and day by publishing said call in a newspaper having circulation in Cheshire and by posting on appropriate electronic media, at least five (5) days before the day of such caucuses. ARTICLE XI. FILING OF AMENDED RULES Within seven (7) days after party rules or any amendments to party rules are adopted by the Democratic Party in Cheshire, a copy of the same shall be filed with the Secretary of the State, with the Cheshire Town Clerk, with the Secretary of the State Central Committee and as otherwise required by law. Any amendments so filed shall set forth in full the section to be amended. Matter to be omitted or repealed shall be surrounded by brackets and new matter shall be indicated by capitalization. Adopted party rules or amendments shall not be effective until sixty (60) days after the filing with the Secretary of the State Central Committee. ARTICLE XII. COVERAGE A copy of these rules shall be available on the CDTC website and shall be deemed to cover the operations of the Democratic Party in Cheshire until such time as the party adopts a rule or amendment on the same subject matter, consistent with these rules and files the same with the Secretary of the State Central Committee, the Connecticut Secretary of the State, and the Cheshire Town Clerk and as otherwise required by law. ARTICLE XIII. RULES OF ORDER Roberts Rules of Order (newly revised) shall be construed as applicable, controlling and conclusive on all parliamentary issues, except as herein provided. As amended by Democratic Party of the Town of Cheshire Date:_______________________
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November 2020